
Sunday, March 10, 2013

After Three Days, Almost Three Years

The Pond is finished....

It took the equivalent of three whole days to fill (spread over five if it includes the interruptions) and after almost three years of work there it was, the pond is finished.

37,010 liters or 8,140 imperial gallons it clocked on the water meter after the pond was filled. We made it past the 8,000 gallon mark, another reason for us to be pleased about.

The window has been installed prior to filling it with water and afterwards all the filtration has been tested and are now up and running, ready to start receiving new fish residents in the following days to come.

All we need now is warmer and drier weather to finish off the few remaining cosmetic jobs that need to be done to tidy up the area. Otherwise all essential and major works in the new garden, not just the pond itself have been completed.

The feeling is surreal, it hasn't sunk in yet. Earlier today we spent some time tidying up some of the tools and materials that we used during the build for we don't need them on this project anymore...

But that's it, we don't need them anymore. Perhaps some of them we will again on a new, future project but for now they can be stored away for the pond is now finished.

It will take some time but we'll get used to it. The feeling is surreal, in a very happy sort of way...

Mark :-)


  1. Hurrah for your new pond, must feel a great achievement, can't wait to see photos of it as it matures.

    1. Thanks Alison! Just waiting for warm weather now to finish off the few remaining bits left to do :)

  2. I am so happy you have it all done, but you guys have had this project for so long and as much as you wanted it done, bet you have a sort of let down, like what do we do now? :) I say learn to sit and enjoy the looks and the sounds.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Hi Cher, yes there is that sense of feeling indeed. Sort of disorientating and it will take us awhile to get used to it. Yesterday we found ourselves looking and planning for more projects, we actually started one already :)

  3. Well done - you must be feeling very pleased. What fun it will be for you when you get your first fish.

    1. Thank you Gwen! Looking forward to introducing the fish already :)

  4. How exciting, can't wait to see the fish in there, then watch them grow!!!

  5. Congratulations you guys. So much work lead up to today, it's been interesting looking in at the progress. I'm sure you're feeling a great feeling of relief to have it complete, and perhaps a small feeling of. What Now? What an incredible feature to tie in your already lush jungle. So cool!

    1. Thank Nat! A feeling of relief indeed and yes a feeling of what now too. I'm sure we'll figure something out soon, can't wait :)

  6. Congratulations - it's a big achievement and you should be very proud of yourselves - all that digging and block laying etc was well worth it. Time to enjoy it now.

  7. Congratulations! Such an impressive project and you did an awesome job!

  8. Three cheers! Congratulations on reachig the end of this long journey! There should be fireworks and an orchestra playing the 1812 Overture! Hip Hip Hooray!

    1. Fireworks and orchestra would be nice :) A little tipple would do for now. Thanks Peter :)

  9. Congratulations and high fives all around. I can't tell you how I admire the perseverance and attention to detail you have demonstrated on this project. Splendid !

  10. Too bad it wasn't high summer, you could have celebrated with a swim! Congrats!

    1. Indeed Loree, we could have had a dip first before introducing the fish. Winter has come back here again, brrrr....but hopefully it won't be too long. Thanks again :)

  11. Hooray for you! I hope you get lots of lovely weather to enjoy your wonderful garden.

  12. Well done! Such devotion - I hope the fish appreciate your hard work. look forward to seeing pics of the finished job!

    1. Thanks Ian! Next projects won't be as big as this one anymore...unless we move homes but that's unlikely in the next few years at least :)

  13. The pond is finished!!!! I couldn't believe your first sentence didn't have tons of exclamation marks behind it! Wahoo! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see more pictures!

    1. Indeed Holley, very much finished :) Thank you! We couldn't believe it ourselves but I'm sure we'll get used to it. Just waiting for warmer weather now to finish off the few remaining cosmetic bits then afterwards we'll post more photos of the area.

  14. Hurrah! Congratulations, I am so impressed at what you have accomplished. Though I can't help thinking that you won't really believe it is finished until you have fish in there too... Not surprised you are finding it all a little surreal at the moment, having lived with the project as a project for so long it will take some adjusting to live with it as a garden feature. And just in time for Spring too, assuming it can prise winter's hold off the days...

    1. Thank you Janet, and you are right, putting the fish in will definitely make the entire thing truly finished and will take some getting used to that the pond is a garden feature rather than a project. A bittersweet affair!

  15. All future projects must look small by comparison. Here's to the finale of a herculean effort *clink*.

    1. Thanks ricki! All other projects doesn't feel that daunting anymore especially after going through this one :)

  16. Congratulations! Three years and over 8000 gallons! You have persevered, and now you can enjoy the rewards. And the little cosmetic finishes will be the icing on the cake. It should be a lot of fun choosing the fish, or have you already selected what you want?

    1. Thanks Debs! So looking forward to getting more fish later in the year. Haven't chosen exact ones yet but will just get what catches our eye that moment :)

  17. What an absolute triumph. Congratulations, you've done such an excellent job. Its going to be incredible to see the new residents happily swimming in their new home. So, when do you start work on the new butterfly house?


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