
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Urban Jungle

Last weekend Mark and I along with our friend Don, paid a visit to Urban Jungle over near Norwich in Norfolk. Although a couple of hours away we tend to visit every summer and usually make an occasion of it. We tied this trip in with an over night stay at the coast and then a trip to Will Giles Exotic Garden in Norwich, but more of the garden visit soon.

Urban Jungle has a great selection of the exotic and tender plants as well as hardy unusual trees, shrubs and perennials. After the poor winter in 2010 we added a number of hardier plants from Urban Jungle to our garden and I suspect many other exotic gardeners also had the same plans.

One of the thoughts that always crosses our mind when we visit is just how clean and tidy everything is at Urban Jungle, not just the plants, but the pathways, beds and display areas. Somebody puts a lot of effort into making sure the nursery is just perfect every time.

In amongst the plants are lots of places to sit, relax or take a cup of coffee (and cake, as they now do the most fabulous cakes!)

  A tranquil place to relax, and not a leaf out of place.

Ficus Carica 'Ice Crystal' - we already have this in out garden but this was too good a plant not to take home.

I did mention the cakes, right? well it would be rude not to enjoy a drink and cake sat in the greenhouse with all the exotics around us.

A great selection of yucca, palms and agaves. I suspect the canna may be an interloper.

Within the large greenhouse is also a koi pond, crystal clear water and healthy looking fish. We spent quite a while just watching the fish.

So what did we buy.... well you may have to wait and see, but the fig above does now have a new home!

Gaz :)


  1. Urban Jungle is indeed a fabulous venue and it is a big credit to the staff that work there in producing such a well organised site, There is something for everyone, even if you don't do exotics. One of the very few nurseries that sell very big exotics at a reasonable price. A good day out .

    1. It's the most pristine, well presented nursery in the UK we've ever been to!

  2. You guys know how to live! I know of a couple of nurseries in California that have a coffee shop, but it's still a rarity.

    But Urban Jungle doesn't look like an ordinary nursery; it's a destination in its own right.

    Thank you for taking us along on your trip!

    1. You got that right Gerhard, it's a destination on its own :)

  3. Ohhh, what a great place! These are the best pictures I´ve seen from this nursery!

    1. I was remarking whilst there how photogenic the place is Lisa :)

  4. What a great place! Some of those yuccas are so gorgeous!

  5. Looks like a great place to visit. Very very cool fig!

    1. Very cool indeed John :) we have one already but just couldn't resist getting another one!

  6. Even though I've never been there (nor most probably will never get there), I love this nursery. It brings to mind the fantastic book stores we used to have here, where you could hang out and enjoy the place - and which I seldom left without purchases. Sadly, LA is currently mostly bereft of such bookstores and has nothing equivalent in terms of nurseries (at least within my acquaintance).

    1. You'll never know Kris, you might find yourself perusing the nursery some not so distant future :) surprised to hear that about LA

  7. Hi Gaz, I admire you for making trips to nurseries far away from you. Urban Jungle is certainly worth it. I am totally impressed by their selection and the plants look so healthy. I like that you can have coffee and cake there. That is a concept that is pretty much unknown in American nurseries. Their loss...
    Warm regards,

    1. Someone must take on that concept Christina, it's a big draw in for customers :)

  8. Lovely, and it looks like you did it up right. I look forward to more from your outing!

    1. Thanks Loree :) it was a lovely little trip, almost fancy going back up again quite soon...

  9. Your Urban Jungle visits are always fun & I adore the foliage of the ficus you adopted.

  10. Love the display of yuccas, palms and agaves. You guys always make me crave a piece of cake and a coffee :)


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