Monday, April 23, 2012

The Promise of Things to Come

The Hype!
At this time of year the plants are in full Spring grow mode. We are getting a lot of rain at the moment (you can tell we just had a hose pipe ban, its not stopped raining since!), and the weather is on the cool side, however the hardy perennials are all busy growing, so much so you can almost hear them (well maybe not, unless you add some special effects to a time lapse recording).

One plant we have high hope for this year is Hosta 'Empress Wu', this went into the ground as a small plant 3 years ago, with just one set of leaves, since then it has slowly bulked up, and looks like it might finally start to live up to its hype and give us some large leaves as its reported to have.

So far this is the reality!
Finger crossed we start to get the large leaves promised by so many of the Hosta sellers.



  1. I'm sending some magic grow dust your way to lend the Empress a hand!

  2. You've got to love that hosta; I hope it lives up to its promise!!!

  3. Wow! That is a big one. That must be every slug’s idea of heaven.

  4. Thanks Martin, lets hope it doesnt get on the weeds!!

    SΓΈren - I certainly hope it does, as it will be a real wow plant if it does.

  5. Denise, I hope not!! we dont seem to have too much of a problem with slugs on our hostas.

  6. Mine is Looking like it's going to be huge this year too, it was planted at the same time as yours was, but mine is still only got one growing point Not multiple ones . Do you give yours any special treatment? I have just hidden mine at the back of the garden until it bulks up a big more.

  7. I can't believe you have an Empress Wu! Just last year I succumbed to the same hype and received the tiniest plant for my major bucks. My plant also has a long way to go. I have nicknamed her 'Baby Wu-wu', until she grows up into an empress!

  8. Baby wu wu :) Love it Debs, there was quite a bit of hype over this one about 3 years ago, its was a small plant to start off with, but is now looking like it will take off (I hope)

  9. Very impressive plant. It will look amazing if it grows anywhere near the size of the one in the picture.

  10. Gaz, maybe some ritual dance can help... I am about to try it with some of mine plants!

  11. Gosh but that is some hype. You could park a hippo in it. Good luck. Dave

  12. Nick, no special treatment, just waiting for it to get big!

    Missy, hopefully it will do, there are quite a few photos on line of it looking big. There are several US breaders developing giant hostas

    Tatyana, hopefully the dance will work, we need to see your ritual plants dance :)

    David, if it lives up to the hype then a family of hippos maybe!

  13. I've realized i haven't come here lately, i wonder why i didn't see your posts on my dashboard. I don't like the new blogspot face, am still lost with it. Those hosta leaves look really big! You can't even wait for it to unfold before you post, haha! You were also excited.

  14. Hi Andrea, the potential is exciting but I suspect it does take many years to attain the size above starting from a small plant. Be great if it does though!

  15. Interesting. I've just picked up a (small) plant of 'Big Daddy' to add to my own small collection of hostas but that looks like another good one to look out for.

  16. So glad to hear it's raining there. I just planted an Empress Wu this year in my garden. Now I know not to expect too from her for a few years. Thanks for the vote, too!

  17. John, definitely worth adding to your list. Another one to look out for is 'Jurassic Park' with it's potential for big leaves.

    You're welcome Holley :) And well done on planting an Empress Wu in your garden!

  18. Wow, I couldn't possibly plant that, it would totally fill my garden!!! Well, eventually anyway :o)

  19. Gaz did you ever heard about the garlic water ?
    look at this videos.

  20. Gaz, wow now that's a hosta! I have never seen such a gigantic one and hope yours lives up to its reputation. The start is looking good though this year :-)! Just keep us updated.

  21. CG - It will take time, hows your garden coming along now?

    Chistina, theres several big ones out there, we have a few but they are all quite small so far for us.

  22. Shall follow this with interest. Do your hosta's not suffer from slug damage or do you use, slug pellets?

  23. We dont get much damage, although we do use some slug pellets, although this is a bit infrequent.

  24. That hosta is incredible. I didn't know they can be big!

  25. We are looking forward to seeing what size it will reach in our garden.

  26. I purchased Big Daddy & Empress Wuhan from our local garden center about 2 years ago but the deer, rabbits, and other local herbivore critters have not let them get beyond a few leaves. This year I had so many garden and non garden priorities but next year I will devote lots of attention to these guys and see what happens.
    Tracey from Chestnut Ridge, NY


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