Monday, July 07, 2014

RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2014 - Show Gardens

We had a fantastic time spent today at the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show, catching up with friends and taking inspiration from the plants and displays at the Floral Marquee and of course the Show Gardens which were divided into different categories.

The weather was sunny and warm, simply perfect which made the day extra enjoyable and very conducive to admiring the exhibits and other features the show had to offer. There was a brief spell of rain showers later on but we were inside the floral marquee when it happened and the rain stopped just before we needed to leave. How's that for perfect timing?

The show was huge as always and there were so much to see but we managed to peruse most of it during our relatively brief stay there. As usual we felt we could do with another day spent there to fully savour this huge show but as most of you would know by now there is another 'event' we will be attending for the rest of this week coinciding with the
remainder of the show

It's a bit hectic here now and will be so for the next few days so lots of photos to follow but not so many words. Without further ado here are the show gardens in this years Hampton Court Flower Show:

Garden of Solitude
Bacchus Garden
Green is The Colour
London City Garden
A Space to Connect and Grow
The Bounce Back Foundation Garden: Untying the Knot
Al Fresco
The NSPCC Legacy Garden
Hedgehog Street
The Forgotten Folly
The World Vision Garden
Jordans Wildlife Garden
Connecting With The Real Sounds of Nature
Macmillan Legacy Garden
Envy - The Grass is Always Greener
Sloth - The Quarry of Silences
Greed - Dichotomy Garden
The Stonewall Garden - Breaking Down the Barriers of Pride
Wrath - Eruption of Unhealed Anger
the Just Retirement Garden
The Flintknapper's Garden - A Story of Thetford
Vestra Wealth's Vista
The Visible Garden
Essence of Australia (Best in Show)
Essence of Australia
A Hampton Garden
One Hundred Years From Now
New England
50 Golden Years: A Celebration of RHS Britain in Bloom
50 Golden Years: A Celebration of RHS Britain in Bloom
50 Golden Years: A Celebration of RHS Britain in Bloom
Mark :-)


  1. As always, a nice mix of MUST HAVE and NO THANK YOU here. I'll take one of those glasshouses!!

    1. That's a good way of putting it Alan, which I echo!

  2. What incredible variability! I agree with Alan - some of the gardens are wonderful and some make we wonder what in heck the creators were thinking. Still, these show creations feel more accessible in the sense that home gardeners can translate many of the ideas to their own spaces, which is not the impression I have of most of the Chelsea exhibits.

    Thanks for taking time to post pictures, Mark. Have a safe trip across the pond.

    1. Thank you Kris! Yes the show gardens at Hampton Court are more accessible to becoming home gardens compared to Chelsea.

  3. Mark, wow, these are certainly interesting gardens with tons of ideas put into them. I can't say that I like them all, but there are some that are completely to my garden taste. I like that the gardens are done on a relatively small scale, so you can steal some ideas that you like and implement them in your own garden. Thanks for this great post!

    1. You're welcome Christina! The variety of show gardens there are vast enough to cater to wide taste in styles of garden.

  4. How phenomenal! So many gorgeous vignettes. Love the Australia garden. The yellow Golden Years is wonderful. I love yellow flowers. Many thanks for sharing this

    1. A pleasure Deanne! The Australian garden deserves its best in show accolade, a very 'showy' garden!

  5. Incredible gardens as always! Loved the seven deadly sins gardens just for their theme!

    1. Loved that theme Peter! I just wished they did something more provocative and risquΓ© with Lust, it was too safe!

  6. many gardens! "A Space to Connect and Grow" jumped out at me, lots to love there. Thanks for posting these pictures when you should be packing and watering the garden!

    1. Frantic watering last night Loree but was packing whilst the photos were uploading :) that garden won gold btw!

  7. I so miss Hampton Court, wish it wasn't so damned far.
    Talking of which, have a good trip!

  8. Fantastic gardens! I can see why the Australian garden won best in show. I also love the colors of the wrath and Bacchus gardens. I like the green garden, too. It looks like it could be a garden in the Pacific Northwest.

  9. That looks like Press Day pictures ;) Would have loved to meet you both, I was in PH marquee

  10. Some great planting, I particularly love the The Bounce Back Foundation Garden planting, and the Australia garden, wonderful. I really must get round to watching the TV coverage some time! Glad the weather was so perfectly accommodating.

  11. Shame I couldn't be there to see the Lust garden. Right up my street, I will endeavour to make a more extreme version myself! Brugmansia drooping over amorphophallus, anyone?


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