Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Favourite Plant of the Week - Cycas revoluta

Okay, just this one in particular...

Cycas revoluta
It spent most of the summer under glass after being defoliated when it was left outside last winter. We initially thought it was dead after all of our Cycas revolutas have flushed already when this one haven't yet. But knowing that this cycad can be erratic when it comes to the timing of its flush (ideally it should flush early in the summer so the leaves will have time to harden off before cold weather sets in) we left it where it was and forgot about it.

Well it did eventually flush late in the summer which was a nice little surprise and left it in its position undisturbed until the leaves have hardened off. When cycads start flushing ideally you should avoid moving or changing its position until the leaves have hardened off as they follow the direction of light. Moving them whilst in the middle of this process can potentially distort the shape of the leaves hence best avoided.

Although this particular one was left undisturbed all through it flushing ritual somehow the pinnate leaves on the tips remained fused together as it hardened and now it looks odd. We don't know how it ended up looking like this but...

it's a nice kind of odd though and we like it!

Cool huh?

We join Loree of Danger Garden on her weekly meme Favourite Plant of the Week!

Mark :-)


  1. Hey, people pay good money for an usual plant so you may have a winner :-). Let's see what the next flush looks like.

    BTW, my Encephalartos lehmanii just flushed (2nd flush this year). As you said, it's very late in the seaon for any cycad to flush.

    1. True Gerhard! :) It would be nice if consequent flushes would look like this again (but somehow I feel that's unlikely). We'll see how it goes!

  2. The fused tips make for an even more interesting plant, don't you think?

  3. I like it. Until you said at the end I just thought it was like that or wasn't finished opening. Very cool looking.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Wish it would flush like this all the time Cher!

  4. I've never seen them do anything like that. It's great. Makes it more interesting. Ours just stay in the ground all year (very boring).

    1. It does made it look more interesting Missy! Wish we could grow them permanently outdoors here (well we could but will need a lot more effort than we're prepared to give).

  5. I love it and would be very excited to have this one in my garden, I look forward to seeing how it develops in the future.

    1. It would be nice if it continued to flush like this again Loree! Then it would be a truly cool plant :)

  6. That is so interesting! What a cool plant and probably worth a bit of money being so unusual. Very cool!

    1. Not worth much I think, unless it flushes like this again Candice. Loving the novelty though!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Glad to hear that Mark and thank you for the link, will definitely check it out!

    2. Came across another revo with fused fronds............

  8. I love all these plants which are looking nice and i think this kind of plants you can grow in your home also which adds a great value to your home dΓ©cor.


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