Thursday, June 26, 2014

Views From The Jungle Hut

The weather has been really nice here for the past few days, very summery! And one of our favourite places to sit in the garden and soak in the good weather (albeit in the the shade) is the jungle hut.

We love sitting in it, even more so than it's previous incarnation. Perhaps because it is much bigger than it used to be and we feel the seating layout is much better?

What is it like to sit in our jungle hut (more a veranda really) and what views do we have from there? At the moment they look like this:

Firmiana simplex  the Chinese parasol tree
Ficus carica 'Ice Crystal' and Fatsia japonica 'spiders web'
Staphylea holocarpa rosea

Schefflera and tree ferns

We're set to get some heavy rains from tonight lasting till most of the Saturday. Not complaining though as our garden needs the water after a string of dry and sunny days. 

But even on rainy days we enjoy hanging out in there, remaining dry and comfy as the rest of the garden gets wet. We just imagine that we're sheltering from the monsoon rains in a tropical rainforest!

Mark :-)


  1. Ab Fab. Not a single "bloody flower" in sight. :-) It does look very relaxing. Is that Firmiana simplex hardy for you or is it in a pot?

    1. Oh yes, now that you've mentioned it, not a single flower there! Yes the Firmiana is hardy here, deciduous and has been planted out for quite some time now, going through the three harsher winter we had before. Should be fine in your garden :)

  2. Jungle views from the Jungle Hut are looking good this year. It's good to see you enjoying it and all the plants making a comeback from the fire and construction you went through.

    1. It's not looking too bad Shirley :) nice to see the general area looking lush again

  3. Not too taxing on the imagination, that!

  4. Given that you went through the pain of losing the original hut to fire, Mark, there has to be some solace in the fact that you were able to use your prior experience to create a new and improved version. The views are wonderful - I can almost feel them lowering my blood pressure. I'm glad you got a span of warm, sunny days to enjoy the garden. And I envy you your upcoming rain. How wonderful to have Mother Nature take care of irrigation (a foreign concept here!).

    1. After days of sun it's nice to get a few rainy days, balances things out and makes the garden more lush. Hope some rain goes your way soon Kris :)

  5. Wonderful views. Those tree ferns you got as logs are so amazing, growing out like that.

    1. Quite a sight Gail, to see logs putting out new lush green growth :)

  6. I'm so happy for you that this has arisen from the ashes! Glorious greens guys!

  7. Those are beautiful and relaxing views! It sure is very nice.

  8. Love getting the rain for the gardens, the plants do so much better with it then from the hose. Everything appears to be growing fast for you there.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Stretch of warm weather then some rain certainly helps in making the garden more lush Cher :)

  9. It does look like a jungle... tropical quantities of rain coming through here, headed east..

    1. Yep, we're expecting them Jessica :) garden open arms!

  10. What fab views at every turn! It looks so inviting and interesting. I don't think I would ever go back into the house !

    1. Thanks Jane! It's a nice place to relax :)

  11. Chin chin to that boys. The water tables look like they will be well and truly topped up by the end of the day. Hope you are having a lovely weekend. Paul x

  12. marvelous views! So very tropical. Looks like a perfect location to sip a pina colada.

    1. Ohh I quite fancy some piΓ±a colada now Deanne!

  13. I would love to sit in your jungle hut when it's raining. It must be wonderful hearing the rain fall on all that marvelous foliage!

    1. It is Gerhard now that you've mentioned it. Perhaps you'll get to experience it for next time you're back in England :)


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